Monday, November 5, 2012

Discussion of Style

On my posts at [Link], there has been some differing opinions on the lighting of the scene and the style of the image.   My post in response follows:

My goal is a stylized realism.... Not sure that makes sense to anyone but me. Maybe 80-90 percent real looking with artistic license for the rest. The lighting of the interior of the saloon... I will probably drop that down a lot more.. right now it's at 66%, I will probably drop it to about 30% or so. I would like to end up with a colored old photo look. Sort of similar to the sepia photos of old, but with some color thrown in.

To me, the image is too saturated for my liking, but I will be fixing that in Pshop in post. I also plan on adding the dust and Depth of Field as in my test image above. I will play around with some glare around the church bell too. 

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