Thursday, October 18, 2012

Updates - Dirt & Horse

The last day and a half have been productive.  The render shows the following updates:
  • Background hills have gotten an overall.  Added rocks, roughed up the terrain, and added a lot more shrubs.  Moved around the cacti some.
  • Adjusted the texture of the dirt road some to make the grooves more obvious.  
  • Unwrapped, textured (in Mudbox), and posed the horse.  I ended up converting the horse to editable poly instead of skinning forever.  Much faster that way.  This could be a problem if I need to animate it, but for now I am aiming for a still.
  • Also added bridle and saddle to the horse.  The models for these are simple and only meant to be seen from afar.

I think my next step is to start playing with the light direction.

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